Remodeling Service
Remodeling Service
Kitchen remodeling services focus of understanding our customer's requirements and designing a space that is both beautiful and functional.

As a turn-key remodeling company we will evaluate your layout requirements, structural and utilities changes, cabinets, countertops, flooring and all the other items required to ensure that a holistic approach is utilized to formulate the right remodeling plan for you and your loved ones.

The kitchen plays a central role in any home and is often the area where families, of all sizes, gather to interact and nourish themselves
How We Remodel
Everyday we work hard to make life of our clients better and happier
Custom Cabinets
Custom Cabinets play a significant role in any kitchen remodel.We offer a variety of choices for our customers including factory built cabinets (modular cabinets) or custom built cabinets. Normally the selection of cabinets will be based on look desired (stained vs painted), style (traditional, transitional and modern/frameless) and features (soft close, full extension hinges, cabinet organizers, etc.). Cabinets selection should also include cabinet hardware. Cabinet hardware will further define the cabinet design as well as protect the finish. It's a visual and functional detail not to be overlooked.
Countertops are the surface most interacted with in a kitchen and thus create a direct connection with the overall space. Kitchen countertops offering ease of maintenance, such as quartz, or the timeless beauty of granite, are unsurpassed in its use. Many quartz products are offered with a manufacturer's warranty up to a limited lifetime term which provides considerable piece of mind. Granites, which can be the ultimate embodiment of all the best mother nature has to offer, may also be sealed with commercial sealers ensuring greater piece of mind that today's consumers are demanding.
Backsplash tiles, from the traditional travertine or stack stone tiles, to the more transitional porcelain and ceramic tiles, as well as, the option of mosaics tile, which may provide just the unique blend of style, round up the overall look and feel desired for the kitchen remodel. Tile & Stone Design Center provides ample selection to ensure you don't compromise on this important component.
Floor surfaces such as porcelain or natural stone tiles, engineered wood or traditional hardwoods will unify the kitchen with the rest of the house. Choices will depend on the sought after look and use requirements. In regards to tiles many of our customers are opting for larger format tiles which not only leverage the color scheme of the tile but also offer more ease of maintenance. Our staff will ensure we guide you in making the right choice.
Ensuring the proper amount and distribution of electrical lights will provide the right balance independent of time of day or natural light. For ceiling lights, it's often a combination of recessed in-cabinets lights, under-cabinets and above-cabinets lights. These lights serve to further enhance the mood and feeling of warmth your kitchen should be all about.
Selecting the right sink and faucet will ensure your ultimate satisfaction with the kitchen remodel. There are three styles of sinks, in a variety of materials that provide a different approach to washing and rinsing requirements. Apron-front sinks, under-mount sinks and finally top-mount sinks will all serve you superbly. Materials of choice include composite granite, cast iron, often with an enameled finish and stainless steel. In selection a kitchen sink, some considerations include size, especially if you need to wash large cookware, sloped bases, to minimize water pooling and accessories, grids, cutting table, etc. to maximize the sink's utility. Faucets may be either traditional or touchless and single handle/hole with pull down sprayer to ensure an optimal utilization of countertop space.
Change Orders
Remodel Updates
12 Days Our Average Remodel Time
Our average remodel time takes around 12 days! The average kitchen remodel can last anywhere from 3-4 weeks but we get yours done swiftly in 2 weeks!
All Inclusive Prices
No need to worry about extra fees and inflated prices. We pride ourselves on having low prices despite the location of your home. We'll work and deliver a special price for your that stays within your budget
No Surprised Change Orders
Nobody likes surprises, that's why we change orders to zero or minimum, always advising you beforehand if anything might happen. Based on our specials and few limitations, you won't get any surprise change orders that many companies include
We Keep It Clean
We keep it clean and organized by having dump containers and outside portable toilets upon request, we can ensure you that your house will remain clean on the inside and outside.
Pay For Progress Only
Pay for progress only. Our contractors get paid upon the completion of each job stage. There aren't any payments upfront except the allowable 10% up to $1000. Only once each part of the job is confirmed completed, will you pay
Highly Technical Contractor
Our highly technical contractor services are top of the line. We provide a daily interactive schedule through a special management software able to be accessed by customers easily. Track daily progress, payments made, and much more
Frequently Asked Questions
Usually it will not be a problem if we are doing a similar cabinet layout. If you have extra tile we can also make adjustments if necessary. If we are adding an island or a few extra cabinets it will not be an issue.
This is one of the most popular models we do for homeowners. By opening the kitchen to the living areas of the home, both areas benefit from the creation of a more family-friendly floor plan. An open concept kitchen may be simple or complex. Either way, we can do the work it takes to design the changes and complete them from cut-off to an open concept kitchen floor plan.
The older your home is, the more likely your kitchen is cut off from the living and entertaining areas. By removing all or part of the wall separating your kitchen from the living areas, you can transform both spaces. Today's lifestyle is not as formal as it once was. Formal dining rooms and isolated kitchens do not work with how most families intermingle and socialize today. Opening up these spaces will transform, not only your home but your gatherings with family and friends.

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